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Rikcha:Monarch Butterfly Pink Zinnia 1800px.jpg

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Qallariy willañiqi (1800 × 2000 iñu; willañiqip chhikan kaynin: 1,55 MB; MIME laya: image/jpeg)

Kay p'anqaqa Wikimedia Commons nisqamantam. Huk ruraykamaykunapipas llamk'achinapaq kanman. Willañiqi ch'uyanchana p'anqanpi ch'uyanchaytaqa kay qatiqpim rikunki.

This image was selected as picture of the day on Vietnamese Wikipedia for 27 August 2023.
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Wikimedia Commons

Esta imagen ha sido candidata a la Imagen del Año 2007

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English: Photograph of a Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus en ) on an unidentified Zinnia flower. The picture was taken in Aston Township, Pennsylvania.
Français : Papillon monarque (Danaus plexippus) sur une fleur du genre Zinnia. Photo prise dans la canton de Aston, en Pennsylvanie (USA).

Camera and Exposure Details:
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon Nikkor ED AF-S DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G
Exposure: 55mm (82.5mm in 35mm equivalent) f/5.6 @ 1/125 s.
Pukyu Fotografía propia
Ruraq Photo (c)2006 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man)
Huk musuqchasqakuna

This image is not public domain. If you use it in a derivative work you need to release the whole work under the same license. Please use the attribution line below when reusing the image. If you would like special permission to purchase and/or license it, email me. Read the usage guide for more information.

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  • You link the image back to the original:
  • You must legibly include the following credit line (including links without nofollow) along with the image,
    © <a href="">Derek Ramsey</a> / <a href=""></a> / Used with permission
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Ruraqpa sutinta willay
(requerido por la licencia)


© Derek Ramsey / / 


© Derek Ramsey /


Añade una explicación corta acerca de lo que representa este archivo

Elementos representados en este archivo

representa a Español Simi

Danaus plexippus Español Simi

Rhopalocera Español Simi

pétalo Español Simi

estambre Español Simi

30 hul 2006

tomada con Español Simi

Nikon D50 Español Simi

tiempo de exposición Español Simi

0,008 sikundu

número f Español Simi


distancia focal Español Simi

55 milímetro

tipo de archivo Español Simi


Willañiqip wiñay kawsaynin

P'unchaw/pacha nisqapi ñit'iy chaypacha willañiqi kachkasqata qhawanaykipaq.

P'unchaw/PachaUchuylla rikchachaChhikanyachikuqkunaRuraqWillapuy
kunan02:47 29 ini 200702:47 29 ini 2007-pa musuqchasqanmanta uchuylla rikchacha1800 × 2000 (1,55 MB)Ram-Man{{Information |Description=Photograph of a Monarch butterfly ({{BioLinkSpecies|Danaus plexippus}}) on an unidentified Zinnia flower.{{Ram-Man Camera 1 | camera = Nikon D50 | lens = Nikon | focallength = 0 | aperture = 0 | shutter = 0 }} |Source=Ow

Kay rikchamanqa manam ima p'anqakunachu t'inkimun.

Mayqin wikikunapi willañiqita llamk'achinku

Kay wakin wikikunam willañiqitaqa llamk'achinku:

Qhaway mayqin wikikunapim willañiqita llamk'achinku.
